viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2006

Paradox Quest


Una quest complicada de verdad, no se quien habra sido capaz de resolverla pero le felicito, es larguita y podeis tener mas de un problema al realizarla, por eso os aconsejo que os leais bien las recomendaciones que os hago y no os aventureis a lo loco por muy alto que sea vuestro level.
Da uno de los mejores lotes ( AOL + 10k ), sobretodo tratandose de una quest para level 30+,
Se necesita: Ser premium account, Machete, un minimo de 8 calaveras por persona (os recomiendo mas), parcels en cantidad o "levitate", frutas (ver foto de las frutas), piezas de ajedrez, saber salir de hellgate (intentare poner mapas), saber llegar a la paradox tower y la llave (cooper key:3899)=P
Primera misión: templo de POH
La quest empieza aqui, en el templo de poh, teneis que hablar con Oldrak el monje para empezarla.
16:30 Player: hi
16:30 Oldrak: Welcome Luisber! Rarely I can welcome visitors in these days.
16:30 Player: hugo
16:30 Oldrak: Ah, the bane of the Plains of Havoc, the hidden beast, the unbeatable foe. I live here for years and I am sure it's only a myth.
16:31 Player: myth
16:31 Oldrak: There are many tales about the fearsome Hugo. It's said it is an abomination, accidently created by Yenny the Gentle. It'shalve demon, halve something else and people say it's still alive after dozens of years.
16:31 Player: Yenny the Gentle
16:31 Oldrak: Yenny, known as the Gentle, was one of most powerfull magicwielders in ancient times and known throughout the world for hermercy and kindness.
16:31 Player: bye
Segunda misión: MAGO DE EDRON
Con el barco os vais para Edron, a la zona de los spells especiales y buscais a Zoltan.
16:47 Player: hi
16:47 Zoltan: Welcome Luisber, student of the arcane arts.
16:47 Player: Yenny the Gentle
16:47 Zoltan: Ah, Yenny the Gentle was one of the founders of the druid order called Crunor's Caress, that has been originated in herhometown Carlin.
16:47 Player: Crunors Caress
16:47 Zoltan: A quite undruidic order of druids they were, as far as we know. I have no more enlightening knowlegde about them though.
16:47 Player: bye
Tercera misión: DRUIDA DE CARLIN
De nuevo con el barquito, esta vez destino Carlin donde teneis que encontrar la tienda de Druidas, esta en el lado Izquierdo de la ciudad, buscad al NPC llamado Padreia.
16:57 Player: hi
16:57 Padreia: Welcome to our humble guild, wanderer. May I be of any assistance to you?
16:57 Player: Crunors Caress
16:57 Padreia: Don't ask. They were only an unimportant footnote of history.
16:57 Player: Footnotes
16:57 Padreia: They thought they have to bring Crunor to the people, if people did not find to Crunor of their own. To achieve that theyfounded the inn Crunor's Cottage, south of Mt. Sternum .
16:57 Player: bye
Entre thais y la montaña de ciclopes hay una casita pequeña con un NPC llamado Lubo, siempre tiene un perrucho por alli merodeando, decidle las palabras magicas y preparaos para lo dificil de la quest porque aqui se acaba lo facil.
17:04 Player: hi gay
17:04 Lubo: Welcome to my adventurer shop, Luisber! What do you need?
17:04 Player: Crunors Cottage
17:04 Lubo: Ah yes, I remember my grandfather talking about that name. This house used to be an inn a long time ago. My family bought itfrom some of these flower guys.
17:04 Player: Flower guys
17:04 Lubo: Oh, I mean druids of course. They sold the cottage to my family after some of them died in an accident or something like that.
17:04 Player: Accident
17:04 Lubo: As far as I can remember the story, a pet escaped its stable behind the inn. It got somehow involved with powerfull magic at aritual and was transformed in some way.
17:04 Player: stable
17:04 Lubo: My grandpa told me, in the old days there were some behind this cottage. Nothing big though, just small ones, for chicken orrabbits.
17:04 Player: bye
Aqui empieza el problema de la quest... Necesitareis lo que he dicho al principio, unos 15 parcels creo que son para subir a la paradox o bien levitates a punta pala, llevad 6 parcels en la mochila para salir de hellgate o necesitareis levitate tambien, las calaveras (en amazonas las conseguireis en 2 minutos) el machete indispensable! las frutas y las piezas de ajedrez.
Lo primero de todo teneis que ir a por la llave (cooper key: 3899) se consigue en un arbol muerto que hay cerca de las cuevas de minos de kaz, al abrir el arbol te quita 200 hp y te envenena (es un super-arbol)

Después de esto vais a la Paradox tower, buscad a alguien que os lleve porque no tengo ganas de poner mas fotos, solo os dire que necesitais muchos parcels o levitates para subir a la puerta de nivel, y una vez pasada (30+) tendreis que poner las calaveras como se ve en la foto y pisar la baldosa de colores.

Aparecereis en un jardin muy bonito, teneis que ir hacia arriba cortando hierbas ya que hacia abajo esta la salida, llegareis a la torre donde necesitareis el machete abriros paso hasta el boton escondido bajo la maleza, esperad a que la hierba se regenere, entoces pisad el boton y la roca se transformara en escalera.

En el segundo piso vereis una biblioteca y unas palancas, hay que ponerlas en un orden

determinado para que la escalera hacia el tercer piso aparezca.

En el tercer piso os encontrareis con un ghoul muy cachondo que puede llegar a desesperar a cualquiera, activais la palanca de la sala y caera una caja en la zona del ghoul, este la ira arrastrando para donde le de la gana, cuando la empuje hasta la esquina superior-izquierda


El cuarto piso se complica, necesitais las frutas, son faciles de conseguir (se compran en la tienda de venore) menos el coco que solo se pilla de los demons, pedidselo a alguien que tenga si no teneis...
Poned las frutas como sale en la foto y dadle a la palanca.Para abrir la puerta que se ve en la foto necesitais la llave del arbol.

En el quinto piso se necesitan las piezas de ajedrez, no se bien bien como se tiene que hacer, creo que pones los reyes negros en su lado y los reyes blancos en el suyo y le das a la palanca, no se mas...
El sexto piso! CUIDADO AQUIIIII! si fallais alguna respuesta os enviara de cabeza a hellgate.
Ya estamos delante de Riddler, el fantasma de la Paradox tower, decidle esto y no la cagueis, aunque de todas formas os enviara para Hellgate...












Para salir de Hellgate seguid estos mapas, es un camino muy facil, no tengais miedo, solo ghouls, skeletons y wasps.
1) Cuando el fantasma te envia a hellgate apareces aki
2) Id a este hole y bajadlo

3) Bajad mas

4) Subid el hole, creo que por aqui ya empiezan a aparecer los ghouls.
5) Mas abajo que hay ghouls y skeletons

6) Por fin toca subir...

7) De nuevo un hole que baja

8) Hole que baja

9) Mas abajo, se llega a una sala con lava, muy chula

10) Esta es la clave de Hellgate, para salir tendreis que hacer levitate o bien usar parcels, hay que subir esa roca para salir.

11) Este agujero que sube no se puede bajar, no os asusteis y seguid subiendo por donde veais, al final saldreis cerca de ab'dendriel (menuda matada tanto mapa, si os perdeis os mato!)
La razón por la que el fantasma os envia a Hellgate es porque no respondeis correctamente la última pregunta, te pregunta que cuanto es 1x1, para saber la respuesta teneis que hacer la última misión.

De nuevo la clave esta en Mintwallin (como en la quest del correo) el prisionero sabe la solución de 1x1, para llegar a el necesitais una llave que se consigue por los Drawers de Mint, decidle lo que pongo a continuación y sobretodo ACORDAOS DE CUANTO ES 1X1 YA QUE CADA CHAR TIENE UN NUMERO Y ES INDISPENSABLE PARA ACABAR LA QUEST!
19:29 Player: hi
19:29 a prisoner: Huh? What? I can see! Wow! A non-mino. Did they capture you as well?
19:29 Player: math
19:29 a prisoner: My surreal numbers are based on astonishing facts. Are you interested in learning the secret of mathemagics?
19:29 Player: yes
19:29 a prisoner: But first tell me your favourite colour please!
19:29 Player: green
19:29 Player: yes
19:29 a prisoner: So know that everthing is based on the simple fact that 1 + 1 = 1! (En mi caso fue el 1)
19:29 Player: bye
19:29 a prisoner: Next time we should talk about my surreal numbers.
Volveis a hacer lo de la primera vez, en teoria las escaleras estaran abiertas de antes, por eso os recomiendo que lo hagais el mismo dia, ya que sino tendreis que hacer lo de las frutas y eso dos veces.
19:58 Player: hi
19:58 Riddler: Player! HEHEHEHE! Another fool! Excellent!
19:59 Player: sigil
19:59 Riddler: Death awaits those who fail the test of the three seals! Do you really want me to test you?
19:59 Player: yes
19:59 Riddler: FOOL! Now you're doomed! But well ... So be it! Let's start out with the Seal of Knowledge and the first question: What name didthe necromant king choose for himself?
19:59 Player: Goshnar
19:59 Riddler: HOHO! You have learned your lesson well. Question number two then: Who or what is the feared Hugo?
19:59 Player: Demonbunny
19:59 Riddler: HOHO! Right again. All right. The final question of the first seal: Who was the first warrior to follow the path of the Mooh'Tah?
19:59 Player: Tha'kull
19:59 Riddler: HOHO! Lucky you. You have passed the first seal! So ... would you like to continue with the Seal of the Mind?
19:59 Player: Yes
19:59 Riddler: As you wish, foolish one! Here is my first question: Its lighter then a feather but no living creature can hold it for ten minutes?
19:59 Player: Breath
19:59 Riddler: That was an easy one. Let's try the second: If you name it, you break it
19:59 Player: Silence
19:59 Riddler: Hm. I bet you think you're smart. All right. How about this: What does everybody want to become but nobody to be?
19:59 Player: Old
19:59 Riddler: ARGH! You did it again! Well all right. Do you wish to break the Seal of Madness?
19:59 Player: Yes
19:59 Riddler: GOOD! So I will get you at last. Answer this: What is your favourite colour?
20:00 Player: Green
20:00 Riddler: UHM UH OH ... How could you guess that? Are you mad??? All right. Question number two: What is the opposite?
20:00 Player: None
20:00 Riddler: NO! NO! NO! That can't be true. You're not only mad, you are a complete idiot! Ah well. Here is the last question: What is 1 plus 1?
20:00 Player: 1
Si haceis esto os subira al séptimo piso en el que hay un monton de botones en el suelo, cada boton hace explotar un cofre, si pisas donde no debes te quedaras sin AOL y sin 10k o sea que pisa los segundos botones empezando por la izquierda, como sale en la foto.

Ya está, abrid los dos cofres centrales y para casa, yo tardé 3 horas y media en hacerla, y en esta página otra hora o sea que espero que me deis las gracias... =)

Postman Quest

Voy a estrenar el apartado quest con la más larga de todas las quests,se tarda unas 7 horillas y es muy útil para la gente que suele hacer lootbags.Aqui se detalla todo lo que debes de hacer.

Primera mision: VIAJES
Esta primera mision consiste solo en hablar con el NPC llamado Kevin que esta en la oficina de correos, os mandara viajar un poquitin por todo el tibia, por lo tanto cojed unos cuantos gp y a viajar en barco y alfombra!
22:48 Player: Hi
22:48 Player: mission
22:48 Kevin: You are not a member of our guild yet! We have high standards for our members. To rise in our guild is a difficult but rewardingtask. Are you interested in joining?
22:48 Player: yes
22:48 Kevin: Hm, I might consider your proposal, but first you will have to prove your worth by doing some tasks for us. Are you willing todo that?
22:48 Player: yes
22:48 Kevin: Excellent! Your first task will be quite simple. But you should better write my instructions down anyways. You can read andwrite?
22:48 Player: yes
22:48 Kevin: So listen, you will check certain tours our members have to take to see if there is some trouble. First travel with CaptainBluebear's ship from Thais to Carlin, understood?
22:48 Player: yes
22:48 Kevin: Excellent! Once you have done that you will travel with Uzon to Edron. You will find him in the Femor Hills. Understood?
22:49 Player: yes
22:49 Kevin: Fine, fine! Next, travel with Captain Seahorse to the city of Venore. Understood? 22:49 Player: yes
22:49 Kevin: Good! Finally, find the technomancer Brodosch and travel with him to the Isle of Cormaya. After this passage report back to mehere. Understood?
22:49 Player: yes
22:49 Kevin: Ok, remember: the Tibian mail service puts trust in you! Don't fail and report back soon. Just tell me about your MISSION.

Segunda mision: ARREGLAR BUZON
Volved a Kevin despues de cada mision y preguntadle por nuevas misiones, esta vez se trata de arreglar un buzon con una "Crowbar" que solo encontrareis en los Behemonts o comprandola en Edron, teneis que viajar a la isla de Folda y usar la crowbar en un buzón que hay en lo alto de la montaña, después de eso solo hay que volver a kevin.
23:31 Player: hi
23:31 Player: mission
23:31 Kevin: So you have finally made it! I did not think that you would have it in you ... However: are you ready for another assignement?
23:31 Player: yes
23:31 Kevin: I am glad to hear that. One of our mailboxes was reported to be jammed. It is located on the so called 'mountain' on the isle Folda. Get a crowbar and fix the mailbox. Report about your mission when you have done so.
23:41 You see a mailbox. 23:41 You see a mailbox.Royal Tibia Mail.

Ya que haces tu trabajo bien hecho, Kevin te ascenderá de cargo, tienes que decirle ADVANCEMENT, entonces te dará una factura que tienes que entegar a un tal "David Brassacres" que esta en venore, concretamente es un NPC que esta debajo del depot y que no se llama asi..., leed el dialogo y lo entendereis, vagos!
23:49 Player: hi
23:49 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
23:49 Player: mission 23:50 Kevin: Excellent, you got it fixed! This will teach this mailbox a lesson indeed! Are you interested in another assignment?
23:50 Player: yes
23:50 Kevin: For your noble deeds I grant you the title Assistant Postofficer. All Postofficers will charge you less money from now on. Afterevery second mission ask me for an ADVANCEMENT. Your next task will be a bit more challenging. Do you feel ready for it? 23:50 Player: yes 23:50 Kevin: I need you to deliver a bill to the stage magician David Brassacres. Hes hiding from his creditors somewhere in Venore. It'slikely you will have to trick him somehow to reveal his identity. Report back when you delivered this bill.
23:51 You see a bill.It weighs 1.5 oz.This is a bill for an expensive magicians hat and several rabbits.
23:58 Player: hi
23:58 Player: bill 23:58 A Strange Fellow: Thats not my concern, you are probably looking for someone else and now get lost!
23:59 Player: hi
23:59 A Strange Fellow: Uh? What do you want?!
23:59 Player: david
23:59 A Strange Fellow: I never heard that name and now get lost.
23:59 Player: hi
23:59 Player: hat
00:00 A Strange Fellow: What? My hat?? Theres ... nothing special about it!
00:00 Player: hat
00:00 A Strange Fellow: Stop bugging me about that hat, do you listen?
00:00 Player: hat
00:00 A Strange Fellow: Hey! Don't touch that hat! Leave it alone!!! Don't do this!!!!
00:00 Player: hat
00:00 A Strange Fellow: Noooooo! Argh, ok, ok, I guess I can't deny it anymore, I am David Brassacres, the magnificent, so what do you want?
00:02 Player: bill
00:02 A Strange Fellow: A bill? Oh boy so you are delivering another bill to poor me?
00:02 Player: yes
00:02 A Strange Fellow: Ok, ok, I'll take it. I guess I have no other choice anyways. And now leave me alone in my misery please
00:02 A Strange Fellow: Still I am better in vanishing!

Cuarta mision: CONSEGUIR 20 HUESOS
Como dice el título, teneis que conseguir 20 huesos (bones), los podeis encontrar en los goblins muertos o en los skeletons, volved a kevin y decidle el royo de siempre... Conseguireis la gorra de cartero, es uno de los dos items de la quest.
00:05 Player: hi
00:05 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
00:06 Player: mission
00:06 Kevin: You truly got him? Quite impressive. You are a very prommising candidate! I think I have another mission for you. Are youinterested?
00:06 Player: yes
00:06 Kevin: Ok, listen: we have some serious trouble with agressive dogs lately. We have accumulated some bones as a sort of pacifier butwe need more. Collect 20 Bones like the one in my room to the left and report here.
2:24 Kevin: You have collected all the 20 bones needed. Excellent! Now let's talk about further missions if you are interested.
12:24 Player: yes
12:24 Player: mission
12:24 Kevin: You have made it! We have enough bones for the fund! You remind me of myself when I was young! Interested in anothermission?
12:25 Player: yes
12:25 Kevin: Your eagerness is a virtue, young one, but first lets talk about advancement.
12:25 Buil: heh
12:25 Player: advancement
12:25 Kevin: You are worthy indeed. Do you want to advance in our guild?
12:25 Player: yes
12:25 Kevin: I grant you the title of postman. You are now a full member of our guild. Here have your own officers hat and wear it with pride.
12:25 You see a post officers hat (Arm:1).It weighs 7.0 oz.This hat is the insignia of all tibian post officers.
Quinta Mision: REGALO
CUIDADO EN ESTA MISIÓN!, es muy facil pero podeis joder la quest al completo, solo teneis que llevar un regalo a un NPC de Fibula, pero como bien os dice Kevin no lo abrais! porque desaparece y no se puede seguir la quest, el paquete esta en uno de los dos cofres de las puertas de la habitacion de Kevin.
12:25 Player: mission
12:25 Kevin: You have made it! We have enough bones for the fund! You remind me of myself when I was young! Interested in anothermission?
12:25 Player: yes
12:25 Kevin: Since I am convinced I can trust you, this time you must deliver a valuable present to Dermot on Fibula. Do NOT open it!!! Youwill find the present behind the door here on the lower right side of this room.
Sexta Mision: UNIFORMES
Esta es la mision en la que se empieza a "Complicar" la cosa, tendreis que andar mucho y buscar a NPCs por todo el mapa, os podeis guiar con los dialogos de abajo, por lo menos sabreis el nombre del NPC al que teneis que hablar.
12:44 Player: hi
12:44 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
12:44 Player: mission 12:44 Kevin: Splendid, I knew we could trust you. I would like to ask for your help in another matter. Are you interested?
12:44 Player: yes
12:44 Kevin: Ok. We need a new set of uniforms, and only the best will do for us. Please travel to Venore and negotiate with Hugo Chief acontract for new uniforms.
12:44 Player: ok
12:44 Player: bye
12:49 Player: hi
12:49 Hugo: Be greeted, Player!
12:49 Player: uniform
12:49 Hugo: A new uniform for the post officers? I am sorry but my dog ate the last dress pattern we used. You need to supply us with anew dress pattern.
12:49 Player: dress pattern
12:49 Hugo: It was ... wonderous bejond wildest imaginations! I have no clue where Kevin Postner got it from. Better ask him.
12:49 Hugo: Good bye, Player.
12:54 Player: hi
12:54 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
12:54 Player: mission
12:54 Kevin: You are not done with your current mission. Make sure Hugo chief is tailoring our new uniforms. Please report back when youare ready.
12:54 Player: dress pattern
12:54 Kevin: Oh yes, where did we get that from ...? Let's see, first ask the great technomancer in Kazordoon for the technical details.Return here afterwards.
12:54 Player: ok
12:54 Player: bye
12:54 Kevin: Good bye.
14:26 Player: hi
14:26 Talphion: HIHOOOO Player!
14:27 Player: dress pattern
14:27 Player: kevin
14:27 Player: dress pattern
14:27 Player: dress pattern
14:27 Talphion: CHESS? I DONT PLAY CHESS!
14:27 Player: dress pattern
14:27 Talphion: A PATTERN IN THIS MESS?? HEY DON'T INSULT MY MACHINEHALL! 14:27 Player: dress pattern
14:33 Player: hi
14:33 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
14:33 Player: mission
14:33 Kevin: You are not done with your current mission. Make sure Hugo chief is tailoring our new uniforms. Please report back when youare ready.
14:33 Player: dress pattern
14:33 Kevin: The mail with Talphion's instructions just arived. I remember we asked Queen Eloise of Carlin for the perfect colours. Go there,ask her about the UNIFORMS and report back here.
15:17 Player: hail the queen
15:17 Barbara: HAIL TO THE QUEEN!
15:17 Fenbala: HAIL TO THE QUEEN!
15:17 Queen Eloise: I greet thee, my loyal subject.
15:17 Player: perfect colours
15:17 Player: uniforms
15:17 Queen Eloise: I remember about those uniforms, they had a camouflage inlay so they could be worn the inside out too. I will sent somecolorsamples via mail to Mr. Postner.
Aqui a lo mejor os atascais un poco, necesitais los 3 objetos que os dice Kevin, los encontrareis en basureros o cuevas de troles, teneis que ir al rey de thais, apartar al perro de los guardas y hacerle oler los 3 objeros, el trozo de cuero, la peladura de la banana y el queso podrido, es complicado que lo huela, no se porque, teneis que tener en la mochila los items y decirle "sniff a banana skin", cuando el diga <> le decis "do you like that?" La verdad es que al final todo el mundo lo consigue pero a veces el perro no te hace caso, no se porque =(
15:24 Player: hi
15:24 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
15:24 Player: mission
15:24 Kevin: You are not done with your current mission. Make sure Hugo chief is tailoring our new uniforms. Please report back when youare ready.
15:24 Player: dress pattern
15:24 Kevin: The queen has sent me the samples we needed. The next part is tricky. We need the uniforms to emanate some odor that dogshate.The dog with the best 'taste' in that field is Noodles, the dog of King Tibianus. Do you understand so far?
15:25 Player: yes
15:25 Kevin: Good. Go there and find out what taste he dislikes most: moldy cheese, a piece of fur or a bananaskin. Tell him to SNIFF, thenthe object. Show him the object and ask 'Do you like that?'. DONT let the guards know what you are doing.
15:25 Player: ok
16:54 Player: hi
16:54 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
16:54 Player: mission
16:54 Kevin: You are not done with your current mission. Make sure Hugo chief is tailoring our new uniforms. Please report back when youare ready.
16:55 Player: dress pattern
16:55 Kevin: Fine, fine. I think that should do it. Tell Hugo that we order those uniforms. The completed dress pattern will soon arrive inVenore. Report to me when you have talked to him. 16:55 Player: ok
16:55 Player: bye
16:55 Kevin: Good bye.
17:01 Player: dress pattern
17:01 Hugo: By the gods of fashion! Didn't it do that I fed the last dress pattern to my poor dog? Will this mocking of all thats taste andfashion never stop?? Ok,Ok, you will get those ugly, stinking uniforms and now get lost, fashion terrorist.
17:08 Player: hi
17:08 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
17:08 Player: mission
17:08 Kevin: Excellent! Another job well done! Would you accept another mission?
17:08 Player: yes
17:08 Kevin: Your eagerness is a virtue, young one, but first let's talk about advancement.
17:08 Player: advancement
17:08 Kevin: You are worthy indeed. Do you want to advance in our guild?
17:09 Player: yes
17:09 Kevin: From now on it shall be known that you are a grand postman. You are now a privileged member until the end of days. Mostcaptains around the world have an agreement with our guild to transport our privileged members, like you, for less gold.

Despues de saber las caracteristicas de los trajes solo falta saber las medidas de los NPC que venden parcels en cada ciudad, algunos de ellos os cambiaran las medidas por items y otros os las daran sin mas, es facil, solo hay que andar y buscarse un poco la vida.
17:09 Player: mission
17:09 Kevin: Excellent! Another job well done! Would you accept another mission?
17:09 Player: yes
17:09 Kevin: Good, so listen. Hugo Chief informed me that he needs the measurements of our postofficers. Go and bring me themeasurements of Ben, Lokur, Dove, Liane, Chrystal and Olrik. 17:09 Player: ok
17:09 Player: bye
17:09 Kevin: Good bye.
17:13 Player: hi
17:13 Benjamin: I am already talking to a customer, Player. Please wait a moment.
17:14 Player: measurement
17:14 Benjamin: Hello. How may I help you Player?
17:14 Player: measurements
17:14 Benjamin: Oh they dont change that much since in the old days as ...
17:14 Player: ok
17:14 Player: thank you
17:14 Player: bye
17:14 Benjamin: It was a pleasure to help you.
Cita: 17:16 Player: hi
17:16 Liane: Hello Player. May I help you?
17:16 Liane: I have more urgent problem to attend then that. Those hawks are hunting my carrier pigeons. Bring me 12 arrows and I'll see if Ihave the time for this nonsene. Do you have 12 arrows with you?
17:16 Player: exevo con
17:16 Liane: Don't waste my time.
17:16 Player: measurements
17:16 Liane: I have more urgent problem to attend then that. Those hawks are hunting my carrier pigeons. Bring me 12 arrows and I'll see if Ihave the time for this nonsene. Do you have 12 arrows with you?
17:16 Player: yes
17:16 Liane: Great! Now I'll teach them a lesson ... For those measurements ...
17:21 Olrik: Greetings, Player. May I help you?
17:21 Player: measurements
17:21 Olrik: My measurements? Listen, lets make that a bit mor exciting ... No, no, not what you think! I mean lets gamble. I will roll a dice. If Iroll a 6 you win and I'll tell you what you need to know, else I'll win I get 5 gold. Deal?
17:22 Player: ok
17:22 Olrik: Ok, and its ... 4! You have lost. He he. Another game?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, no weights in the dice, no dirty tricks, are you ready?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, and its ... 5! You have lost. He he. Another game?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, no weights in the dice, no dirty tricks, are you ready?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, and its ... 3! You have lost. He he. Another game?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, no weights in the dice, no dirty tricks, are you ready?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, and its ... 5! You have lost. He he. Another game?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, and its ... 1! You have lost. He he. Another game?
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, no weights in the dice, no dirty tricks, are you ready?
17:22 Suverel: hi
17:22 Olrik: A moment please, Suverel.
17:22 Player: yes
17:22 Olrik: Ok, here we go ... 6! You have won! How lucky you are! So listen ...
17:22 Player: ok
17:22 Player: bye
17:22 Olrik: Greetings, Suverel.
17:24 Player: hi
17:24 Chrystal: At your service Player.
17:25 Player: measurements
17:25 Chrystal: If its necessary ...
17:26 Player: hi
17:26 Dove: Be greeted, noble Player.
17:26 Player: measurements
17:26 Dove: Oh no! I knew that day would come! I a slightly above the allowed weight and if you can't supply me with some grapes to slimdown I will get fired. Do you happen to have some grapes with you?.
17:27 Player: exevo pan
17:27 Dove: Oh, no! I might loose my job.
17:27 Player: measurements
17:27 Dove: Oh no! I knew that day would come! I a slightly above the allowed weight and if you can't supply me with some grapes to slimdown I will get fired. Do you happen to have some grapes with you?. 17:27 Player: yes
17:27 Dove: Oh thank you! Thank you so much! So listen ...
17:35 Player: hi
17:35 Lokur: Hiho Player. May I help you?
17:35 Player: measurements
17:35 Lokur: Come on, I have no clue what they are. Better ask my armorer Kroox for such nonsense. Go and ask him for good ol' Lokursmeasurements, he'll know.
17:35 Lokur: Sorry Juleran Strategist, I am busy right now. One moment please. 17:35 Juleran Strategist: parcel
17:35 Player: ok
17:35 Player: bye
17:35 Lokur: Come back if you need my services.
17:36 Player: hi
17:36 Kroox: Welcome to Kroox Quallity Armor, Player!
17:36 Player: measurements
17:36 Kroox: Hm, well I guess its ok to tell you ...
17:36 Player: ok 17:37 Player: bye
17:37 Kroox: Good bye. Come back soon.

Esta mision la tendrian que poner de las primeras porque es facilisima, teneis que ir a los trolls de thais y encontrar una puerta de las del pomo parpadeante, dentro hay un muerto (Waldo), dentro tiene la Trompeta de waldo que teneis que llevar a Kevin para demostrarle que esta muerto.
17:44 Player: hi
17:44 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
17:44 Player: mission
17:44 Kevin: Once more you have impressed me! Are you willing to do another job?
17:44 Player: yes
17:44 Kevin: Ok but your next assignment might be dangerous. Our Courier Waldo has been missing for a while. I must assume he is dead. Canyou follow me so far?
17:44 Player: yes
17:44 Kevin: Find out about his whereabouts and retrieve him or at least his posthorn. He was looking for a new underground passage that isrumoured to be found underneath the troll-infested Mountain east of Thais.

Esta tambien es una tonteria, solo necesitais 500 de cap y abrir la puerta que os queda detras, es una bag que tiene cartas para santa claus, id a Vega y buscad una casita que tiene un buzon en la puerta, usais la bag en el buzon y ya esta.
17:52 You see Waldos Posthorn.It weighs 22.0 oz.
17:55 Player: hi
17:55 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
17:55 Player: mission
17:55 Kevin: So Waldo is dead? This is grave news indeed. Did you recover his posthorn?
17:55 Player: yes
17:55 Kevin: Thank you. We will honour this. Your next mission will be a very special one. Good thing you are a special person as well. Are youready?
17:55 Player: yes
17:55 Kevin: Your eagerness is a virtue, young one, but first lets talk about advancement.
17:55 Player: advancement
17:55 Kevin: You are worthy indeed. Do you want to advance in our guild? 1
7:55 Player: yes
17:55 Kevin: From now on you are a grand postman for special operations. You are an honoured member of our guild and earned the privilegeof your own post horn. Here, take it.
17:55 Player: mission
17:55 Tp Spark: logan
17:55 Kevin: So are you ready for another Mission?
17:55 Tp Spark: lets go
17:55 Player: yes
17:55 Kevin: So listen well. Behind the lower left door you will find a bag. The letters in the bag are for none other than Santa Claus! Deliverthem to his house on the isle of Vega, USE the bag on his mailbox and report back here.
17:56 Player: ok
17:56 Player: bye
17:56 Kevin: Good bye.
17:56 You have found a letterbag.
17:57 You see a post horn.It weighs 15.0 oz.It's property of the Postmaster's Guild and only rewarded to loyal members.
17:57 You see a letterbag.It weighs 500.0 oz.This bag is nearly bursting from all the letters inside.
18:03 You see snow.
18:05 You see a snow heap.
18:06 You see 25 snowballs (Atk:0 Def:0).They weigh 20.0 oz. 18:05 You see a closed door. 18:06 It is locked.
18:07 You see a model ship.
18:07 You see a red tunic (Arm:2).
18:07 You see soft boots.
18:07 You see a teddy bear.
18:07 You see a ball gown.
18:07 You see Santas Mailbox.

Por fin se acaba la quest!, llevadle a Markwin la carta que os dara Kevin, es para la madre del rey de los minotauros que vive en Mintwallin, tendreis que matar unos cuantos minos y CUIDADO con el rey minotauro, que como bien te dice Kevin no te recibira como es debido, acorraladlo contra la pared con los drawers, apartaos un poco y decidle "hi", mirad mas abajo y vereis que pasa...
22:43 Player: hi
22:43 Player: mission
22:43 Kevin: You did it? I hope you did not catch a flu in the cold! However theres another mission for you. Are you interested?
22:43 Player: yes
22:43 Kevin: Excellent. Here is a letter for you to deliver. Well, to be honest, no one else volunteered. It's a letter from the mother ofMarkwin, the king of Mintwalin. Deliver that letter to him, but note that you will not be welcome there.
23:35 Player: hi
23:35 Markwin: No! The hornless have reached my city! BODYGUARDS TO ME!
23:36 You see a letter to Markwin.It weighs 0.5 oz.
23:37 Player: hi
23:37 Markwin: Well ... you defeated my guards! Now everything is over! I guess I will have to answer your questions now.
23:37 Player: letter
23:37 Markwin: A letter from my Moohmy?? Do you have a letter from my Moohmy to me? 23:38 Player: yes
23:38 Markwin: Uhm, well thank you, hornless beeing.
23:38 Player: thnks
23:38 Markwin: Yes! Leave me alone. Vanish to dust.
23:53 Player: hi
23:53 Kevin: Greetings, what brings you here?
23:53 Player: mission
23:53 Kevin: You have delivered that letter? You are a true postofficer. All over the land bards shall praise your name. There are nomissions for you left right now.
23:53 Player: advancement
23:53 Kevin: You are worthy indeed. Do you want to advance in our guild?
23:53 Player: yes
23:53 Kevin: I grant you the title of archpostman. You are a legend in our guild. As privilege of your newly aquired status you are allowedto make use of certain mailboxes in dangerous areas. Just look out for them and you'll see.
Ahora ya teneis la posibilidad de usar el Royal Tibia Mail!, a mi me va de lujo, aunque no se si recuperare el dinero que me he gastao en barcos...

miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2006

Warrior Addons

Este Traje esta disponible para premium accounts.


Shoulder Spike


•100 Hardened Bones
•100 Turtle Shells
•1 Dragon Claw

•Hardened Bones: Bonebeast lo suelta, tambien se puede cojer con el Obsidian Knife.
•Turtle shell: Matar Tortoises
•Dragon Claw: Demodras loot.
•Cuando Tengas los items ves a Trisha, en la knight guild de carlin



•100 Iron Ore
•1 Royal Steel


•Iron ore: Todo tipo de Dwarfs y Stone Golems
•Royal Steel: Se canvia por 3 bask skit y una crown armor